Digital innovation through gigabit connectivity

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Exchange with experts, founders, researchers and entrepreneurs at the Gigabit Academy launched by BMF & FFG.

5G is the new generation in mobile communications and creates the technological basis for new customer experiences such as augmented reality games, digital or interactive learning, efficient networking of machines in industry and intelligent devices as well as innovative IT services. The much-cited Smart City also benefits from the 5G standard. Austria is well on its way; 5G will be available nationwide by 2025.

Neue Ökosysteme entstehen
In order to fully exploit the opportunities of 5G, new cooperation models and innovation systems are needed. This is where the Gigabit Academy comes in: It brings together everyone who is interested in developing gigabit and 5G use cases. With the Gigabit Academy, the Austrian Ministry of Finance (BMF) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG not only offer two days full of exclusive insights into the world of gigabit and 5G applications. The Gigabit Academy sees itself as a knowledge platform, an information and ideas laboratory that brings together companies, organisations, scientific institutions and interested individuals. Going by the motto “Explore - Connect - Cooperate - Innovate”, it’s goal is to launch new approaches and concretise existing ideas. This idea lab, where participants come together to develop solutions for gigabit and 5G applications, is the main event of the Gigabit Academy 23 from 21–22 November in Vienna. In terms of new cooperation approaches, this will lay the foundation for a whole new 5G ecosystem from which different stakeholders can benefit – and ultimately the whole of society.
The focus of the GigaLab is on networking with the international gigabit community and the joint development of ideas for applications that require gigabit-capable infrastructure and connectivity. GigaLab participants will therefore explore different ways to develop digital innovations inspired by a very specific motto: “Driving digital innovation through gigabit connectivity”.