The Timber Family is growing and growing

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Greenbuilding. UBM focuses uncompromisingly on timber construction projects. More than 300,000 square metres are already in the works

The largest space let in Frankfurt in the first half of 2023 comes from UBM: around 10,000 square metres of office space at Timber Pioneer, Frankfurt’s first office building in timber hybrid construction. “This shows that we are spot on with our strategy and absolute focus on timber construction projects, both ecologically and economically,” says UBM CEO Thomas G. Winkler
The eight-storey Timber Pioneer is the first offspring of an entire Timber Family. By the end of next year, the foundations for five more family members will be laid. In addition to the Timber Family, UBM has seven other timber construction projects in the works. In Vienna, for example, it will build the Timber Marina Tower, a 113-metre-high office tower as a sustainable timber hybrid construction – the tallest timber high-rise in the world as things stand today.
In total, UBM is currently developing more than 300,000 square metres of timber construction, thereof slightly more than half in the office asset class and the remainder in the residential class. “We want to become the leading developer of timber construction projects in Europe,” says Winkler. The uncompromising focus on timber construction is a logical consequence of the Group’s strategy “green. smart. and more”; it aims for the development of sustainable, intelligent and aesthetically sophisticated real estate.
Compared to conventional construction methods, timber construction has three major advantages:

  • By using wood as a building material, theoretically up to two billion tonnes of CO2 can be saved annually: While enormous amounts of CO2 are emitted during the production of concrete and steel, wood stores CO2.
  • A large part of the work, namely the production of the wooden elements, takes place in a factory. The assembly on the building site is not only much faster, quieter, safer and cleaner than on a conventional building site, but also cheaper due to the systematised modular pre-production.
  • Timber construction projects enable higher revenues both in sales and rentals. The reason being EU taxonomy and ESG massively and irreversibly steering international financial flows towards green activities

Facts & Figures
UBM Development is one of the leading developers of timber construction projects in Europe. The strategic focus is on green building and smart offices in major cities such as Vienna, Munich, Frankfurt and Prague. The platinum rating from EcoVadis and the prime status from ISS ESG confirm our consistent focus on sustainability. With 150 years of experience, UBM offers all development services from a single source, from planning to marketing. The shares are listed in the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, the segment with the highest transparency requirements.

UBM Development AG
Laaer-Berg-Str. 43, 1100 Wien