World Champion Austria

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Imprint/Information according to § 5 ECG, § 14 UGB, § 24 ff Mediengesetz for

Media owner: MN Anzeigenservice GmbH
Address: Brehmstraße 10/4.OG, A-1110 Wien

UID: ATU64133538

Company register: Handelsgericht Wien zu FN 304617 t

Phone: +43 (1) 91920-0
Fax: +43 (1) 91920-2230

Managing Director: Markus Bauer
Herausgeber: Germanos Athanasiadis
Verlagsleiter: Michael Stein
Chefredakteurin: Sabine Bretschneider
Autor: Alexander Haide

Corporate purpose: Publishing, in particular the publication of topic guides and the operation of online services

Fundamental direction of the medium: The themed guides are mostly published annually and offer a comprehensive overview of the topics of beer, wine, enjoyment, accessibility in museums, classic cars, interiors, winter sports, shopping, CSR and Austria as a business location.

MN Anzeigenservice GmbH is the property of

AAA Sales & Management GmbH, Zugerstrasse 76B, 6340 Baar, Schweiz